Leah Piedra
Phone: 907-299-6964
Email: alaskabeautypeony@gmail.com
Locally grown peonies and peony products.
Bruce and Julian Sink
Phone: 602-738-8121
Email: bsink22@gmail.com
Artistic hunting and fishing knives, and original watercolors.
Jen King
Phone: 907-399-5464
Email: jenkingmade@gmail.com
Hand cut and hand tailored clothing and accessories for timeless fashion.
Kathee Kiefer
Phone: 907-235-2530
Email: luxuriouslather@yahoo.com
Vegetable and herbal based soap, lotion stick and bars, lip balms, and muscle balms. Custom orders taken.
Mariza Tovar
Phone: 907-299-8523
Email: mariza.tovar@gmail.com
Art prints, Alaska Memory Game, Postcards, Stickers, Gentle Tarot and new Oracle deck
Mavis Muller
Phone: 907-299-1478
Email: mavismuller.art@gmail.com
Baskets and items made with natural materials.
Jean Steele
Phone: 907-399-2466
Email: shamans.cave.shaman@gmail.com
Hand printed original cards, prints, paintings. Gemstone jewelry, wire wrapped crystals.
Chelsey Arno
Phone: 907-299-1392
Email: chillstrand88@gmail.comFacebook
Up- cycled/recycled sweater skirts and pants.
David Kaufman & Willow Jones
Phone: 845-419-3728
Email: david.j.kaufmann@gmail.com
David Instagram / Willow Instagram
Hand crafted pottery, brooms, and wooden spoons.
Grey Wilson
Phone: 907-690-1913
Email: wilsonsproperedge@gmail.com
Bring us your dull knives (kitchen, pocket, fillet, hunting), sad scissors, blunt axes, worn chisels, defeated lawncare tools, and other once-sharp blades and let us make them like new (or better than) again! Drop off when you arrive and we'll sharpen them while you shop and explore everything else the market has to offer! After-hours drop-off and/or pick-up available on a case-by-case basis. Please call or text if you have any questions.
Scott Miller
Phone: 907-399-8350
Email: scottysusan@gmail.com
Original artwork inlaid wooden pendants, art prints, and picture books.
Homer Farmers Market
Ocean Drive across from the Washboard - Homer | Open May 24 - September 27 | Saturdays 10am – 3pm | Wednesday 2pm–5pm
907.299.7540 (no text messages)